We are an international organization that works with grassroots organizations in Central America to remove the political, legal, economic and cultural obstacles that prevent women and girls from accessing their reproductive rights.
We aspire to be an efficient and innovative organization, recognized for its impact in facilitating access to reproductive health and justice for all women and girls in Central America.
Our mission and vision dictate the work we do and the projects in which we are involved.
We are transparent and efficient with our resources.
We support the efforts of grassroots organizations and never interfere with their independence or compromise their safety.
We challenge systems of power by addressing the root causes of structural and systemic inequalities.
We acknowledge the privilege we have as an international nonprofit organization and use it to make resources available to grassroots organizations.
Buscamos nuevas formas de hacer las cosas e impulsamos la experimentación de nuevos enfoques frente a contextos adversos y desafiantes.
Optio began as a program within the OASIS Initiative in 2010. During this time, our work primarily focused on preventing maternal mortality and morbidity by expanding access to misoprostol in Asia, Latin America, East, and South Africa. We also worked closely with grassroots organizations in these countries to spread information about how to use misoprostol correctly for safe abortion. In 2020, Optio became its own organization, focusing exclusively on Central America and broadening the scope of our sexual and reproductive rights work to include both women and girls.